Welcome to Club-Audition FAM Blog !
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 3:45 PM
Comments: 0
Old Memories!

FAM Bank then..

Here are some ss-es even before i joined Club-Audition!

A.k.a NPC vs "NPC"

Our beautiful old siggy!

Friday, July 16, 2010
Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 7:25 PM
Comments: 0
Dear CA-ers, please read this post.


Saturday, July 10, 2010
Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 1:25 PM
Comments: 0
Only ONE got it so..

End of event!

- Yeezy


Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 4:56 AM
Comments: 0
Event: GUESS THE NUMBER! (Update)
Since there's still isn't anyone who managed to guess it.. I shall be nice and give you guys a clue!

Clue 1: All the numbers that you guys have guessed are wrong!

Numbers that have been guessed by you guys:

Clue 2: Among these numbers, one of the numbers is very close to the holy number!

All of you are given another chance to guess now!

- Yeezy


Monday, July 5, 2010
Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 10:49 PM
Comments: 0
Crazy recruitment test?
Enstryne's here again! Did my recruitment test scare you guys?
I was just kidding! The real test is now in "Join Us" section.
2m Score and 35 Perfects.

Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 1:17 PM
Comments: 0
Recruitment OPEN!
Hey guys it's Enstryne again!
I'm back and glad to say that RECRUITMENT IS OPEN! *applause*
Here are the recruitment tests (Table also found in Join Us! section):

As for testers, please find me to get the documents on recruitment rules before recruiting!

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 10:54 PM
Comments: 0
Hi all! First event by me is here.. *Cough anyhow try, don't mind it being lame.. ^^*

This is how the Guess the Number game goes!!

As you can see, I've written a HOLY NUMBER inside this notepad.

The game is very simple.. Just guess what the number is!
The range is between 1 to 50!

Each person can guess ONE number only!
All of you can guess the same number but the first two who guessed it will get the prize!
Multiple accounts are not allowed!

The first two players who FIRST guessed it will be given Premium Messenger Plus (30 Days).

Post your guess in the FAM Bulltin!
Enter the FAM House, click on bulletin, click the 'Nonsense' Tab and you will see a thread created by me!

Post it over there! This event starts from now till 10 July 2010, 11.59PM (GMT +8)!
(Event will end early once two players first guessed it!

- Yeezy


Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 12:21 AM
Comments: 0

Hi all!

Dear CA-ers, thank you everyone and "supporters" for appointing me as the new Master of CA. (*Cough*)

I have been inside CA for awhile, and I get to know more people (to bully ^^) such as ahboi and etc.
I have also seeing you all having fun and laughter inside CA, like..

-Kyuri and Ahboi teasing each other
-Shika and Crap spamming nonsense
-Porkie the infamous pork nun (?)
-Panty Flasher Riz
-Lawliet's giving ***uality Education (?)
-MacroM2 always use Macro Hack on me
-Zeyore and his love for my tigger
-Epic singers shika and crap
-Peri always organises stuffs to bond CA together
-Extremely flexible FAM Battle (1000+ loses WOW)
-ON/OFF hacker OniGokko
and many many more..

Other than that, all CA members are nice and friendly to me too. [I love bullying Ahboi and MacroM2 btw.. ]
From there, I can see that CA is a fun and loving FAM to be in and all of us get to have fun and laughter!
I hope that all of you will enjoy and have fun with one another.

I may not be as good as Peri and Qiang as a leader, but I will try my best to contribute my part to CA!
Hi Enstryne, Peri and Qiang, if I have any problems, please do enlighten and guide me!

Dear Peri, please do not keep a whip/chopper/canon/rifle/anything that's meant for killing in your house if I did anything wrong..

Also, I will try to organise a few mini-events once in awhile (yesyes cash item rewards as requested, sponsored by ME) but don't mind me if they're nonsense events.. XD

Despite the ups and downs occuring recently, lets hope that all of us will stay strong, stay united, have fun and enjoy the things we have now!

See you guys in-game, and have a great day ahead!

Best wishes,

P/S: I just went to Coffee Bean and had a cup of free fresh milk over there, and I had stomachache after that.


Saturday, July 3, 2010
Posted by: Memories in Club-Audition
Time: 2:37 AM
Comments: 0
Club-Audition Jr Selection June 2010 Results
And the results are out!

Congratulations to the new Master and Jrs!
You guys have proven your skills in the jr selection!
And of course, redeem your prizes from PeridoT!

Master Prize:
Choose anything in the mall within 10k @Cash.

Jr Prize:
Choose a 30 days item from Accessories or Pet.


Officially founded in 09.03.09
by Forum Moderators


Congratulations new JRs!

Check JOIN tab for more details!

Weddings & Love Parties

Lawliet & Chip (Freesia)!
Porkie & OniGokko (Freesia)!

Members News
Welcome new members:

Happy Birthdays August
11 - SciencePro
12 - ~K__KitKat~
27 - Porkie
Best Wishes!

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Screen resolution: 1280 x 800 pixels
Established since: November 2009
Host: Blogger and Tinypic
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Credits: Benzhu has been a great help! <3 her :)
Images and Edit: L__Lawliet & Gin
Beautiful Smileys: Rob
Brushes and Program: Deviantart and Photoshop CS2
Audition Emoticons: Thanks to deadkarrot~