Hi everyone it’s CA reporter again it’s been awhile
This is our special report, read it while it’s hot~~~
Club-Audition Love Story Mode
(Truly a masterpiece, tearjerker, romance, and sweet revenge)
Our very own miss Peridot has finally found the ‘'apple of her eyes’‘..or to be exact
the Toy of her eyes.
Yes, the rumor is right, Peridot has coupled our very own ToyCaster and today they even
entered couple competition together!

We wish them much love and happiness! (wedding bell soon?)
As for Peridot’s admirer,misterClassiemon, once he realized that Peri has left him for
another man, 

mister Classiemon (a.k.a ‘'The only monster with class’‘) immediately went
to the mountain and sought help from the famous AudiKungfu master, Kaul.

Classie (a.k.a Cashy) was hoping that his recently acquired Kungfu moves would impress Peri and
therefore, she would come back to him.
Here are some pictures of his intensive training
Hayaa!!! To the right, right!

Hoooi ooo! To the left, left!

Oiiiiiii! Up he goes!

And er….down? ;swea

Meanwhile in Audition Town, miss Peridot sent a split request to Toy
(Perhaps she would return to Classie?)
As soon as Toy saw this, he (ish hurt very dip dip) and planned a revenge on Peridot
Miss Fujiko also joined Toy and his plot…

But ironically, Fujiko and Toy fell in love….
(It’s a sweet revenge of love ;make)

Once Classie completed his training, he headed straight to Peridot to reclaim her love.

(Wonder what Fuji and Toy are doing though o.O)
Feeling condifent with his skill, Classie showed off his most impressive move…

...(er..maybe it’ll take more than that to woo Peridot)
OK OK~~Another impressive move~~~

Just when Classie thought Peridot would finally come back to him…

(Coz they hugges and kissed and all)
But miss Peridot simply replied…..

Because she already has Pika

(His macho&sexy;&kungfu;moves didn’t help much after all
But no worries! Classiemon is on his way to another mountain, seeking guidance from another master.
He promised he’d return sexier, macho-er, and with more impressive moves to get Peridot back.

End of report.