Hello all, a few people wonder when will we record the Christmas Fam Video.
We were planning to record some this Saturday (for those who can make it) and another section next Saturday. How does that sound?
Another option here, we aren't sure the patch date, our best guess is around Dec 22nd (so maybe there are Christmas avatars etc). Perhaps we can have another recording after the patch and put the video together by 25th the latest!
People confirm want to join:
Kat, Rex, Gin, Maiko, Riz, Lawliet, Hubby...
Anyone else wants to be included? Leave a message in fam blog and the section you want to join.
CA BBQ Outing Dec 27th:
There is still time to email us or message Chilli. It would be great if many people can join!

Please look at this post for more info
New Members:
1. Yesterday & 2. Poopehh-x3
Favorite mode: CC4(?)/ UnknownTester: Eunbi/ DJCrapsody

3. socialGERL
(Hubby's Couple)
Poopehh & Eunbi avatars are up

~Posted by Lawliet