We were born with two ears: one right and one left, so that we can listen from both sides, both praises and criticisms, good and bad things.
We were born with a brain that is hidden inside our heads: so no matter how poor we are in this materialistic world, we are still rich because no one can take away the things inside our heads--these things are more precious than gold or jewels.
We were born with two eyes, two ears, but only one mouth...
Do you know why?
Because words that come from our mouths are dangerous weapons, they can make the people around us either feel loved or hurt. Remember: speak less, listen and observe more.
We were born with just one heart which lies deep inside our chests and reminds us to treasure and always give out love sincerely from your heart.
So you see, we are very rich after all.
(I translated from a Vietnamese website, sorry if it's bad)
Labels: Lawliet