Apparently, after tmm virus (see more here , CA is now infected with a deadlier virus also known as BHB
*For those who don't know BHB = thick-skinned
Number of infected: 4 so far but expected to rise somemore
Symptoms: BHB-virus infected individuals suffer an extreme case of hallucination ie, thinking they are the best most beautiful people in the universe
Case # 1: Riz (worst case of infection)

As you can see, the infected individual only lives in her fantasy

Countless attempts were made in order to save the patient, but they all seem to be futile

And so the infected individual continue to live in her own world, disregarding everyone else around her

BHB virus does not stop there, as it is highly contagious just like Tmm virus
Case # 2:

The virus also infects the male population within CA,
2 new reported cases

And it seems like "cute" is the most popular word among the infected individuals:

With the spreading virus, CA will soon be overtaken by BHBness:

We hereby advise the rest of CA members to keep a safe distance far from these infected individuals. It is contagious.
One more thing, we caught Jimmy's tmm moment:

Wedding soon? :P
End of report
Labels: Lawliet