Hello everyone! This is CA reporter bringing you news and updates
for the past few weeks!
We’re sorry for the delay hence, we’ll start updating older—> newer news!
Santa Clause and ~MANIS~!
On April 25, CA had a special guest!
It’s Santa Clause!!!
(Ok it’s MacroM2 in Santa outfit..)
And what’s more, we fb against ~MANIS~ and Santa’s role was to (distract)
bring luck to CA, so we would win
Santa and his grand mission to distract MANIS using his face bug.
(I bet Santa is sweating inside, come one, we know Santa and Summer don’t quite go
together )
Yet MANIS wouldn’t give in easily, they fought back by throwing durian
at CA members (what a cruel come-back )
We also encountered a funny lag, ~SOCK~(Kimmeh) transformed herself to HBF~Snowy
in order to attack us from behind
And that’s not all, she then tried to scare us with another drastic transformation
Conclusion, ~MANIS~ is a formidable opponent, we CA must use different strategy to
tackle them next time (since both Cinderella and Santa failed to distract them)
———————————————————————————NEW MEMBERS
We welcome our new members: TheStiffy and Cadd a.k.a the
Sausage Lips Couple
Starting with their wedding:
Unfortunately, the bride didn’t get her 5 carat diamond ring as Cadd promised.
(Again, men are dangerous creatures )
More recent news:
The popular T-Max from Korea made a visit to SG AuditionSEA town.
And the first thing they did:
Acting silly crazy just like our beloved CA members: LEM0N, Zerthyl, and Biscuit
(The Bad, The Badder, and The Ugly)
Good thing that it was a short appearence, otherwise, T-Max fangirls would die…
(after they killed those 3 disguised as T-Max and ruining their image)
Hook’s Sudden Disappearence?
We would like to update you about the infamous Fam Bank Killer, Hook.
It looks like the last time Hook killed the FB was May 5.
Since then (5 days), he has not made any attack…could be it be…
that Hook has finally came to his senses and realized his mistake?
This is quite possible, since the last time CA reporter saw Hook locking
himself in a room, maybe feeling guilty for his crimes and seeking for forgiveness
from his victims.
Since the Hook’s disappearence, many individuals also began to imitate Hook’s evil deeds
namely: -Artemis, with her infamous 66,666 and -LEM0N with Hook’s favorite
number, 12345.
Then again, we still need to keep an eye on our PIG because Hook might strike again
at anytime!